Friday, April 15, 2011

2 week checkup

Today was my two week check up, got my staples out stamp of approval from dr. Tressler that everything is healing well. I can start putting more weight on my leg while using the walker for the next week and then switch to a cane when I feel ready. I can also start driving next week so that is good news! My prothesis is the same as the right titanium stem, ceramic ball, cobalt socket with a propothelene insert in the socket, it is made by depuy but not part of the recalled metal on metal hips.

It was a long day after doing little beside napping for the last couple of weeks. We ate lunch, went to the appt. and stopped at Sam's with me driving around on the scooter. then heading

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I almost made it to my two week appointment without any trouble and then the swelling started yesterday. Luckily it wasn't as bad as it was last time but enough to make me nervous enough to lie low all day today which made for a long day. Because I am not sure what caused the swelling to start I was afraid to do much so spent most it the day in bed. Hard to believe I managed to sleep as much as I did. I don't know if it is the medication, low hemoglobin, surgery recovery, or maybe the narcolepsy but I am averaging an hour of sleep for every 2 hours I am awake during the day plus I started taking lunesta at night again so I have been sleeping most of thr night too. My staples are starting to feel like they are pinching in spots so I will be glad to get them out on Friday. Hopefully the Dr. Will also give me the Ho ahead to start putting more weight on my leg and move past the walker.

Monday, April 11, 2011

better days

Yesterday had several friends stop by which was fun but tiring! Sher, Lisa, Jan, and Wendy brought lunch and we chatted and are for a couple hours which was nice. I did my best to clean before they came so between that and the company I was wiped out after they left.

Today was my first full day home on my own and after the initial boredom of being all alone the day went fine. I napped, played around in the computer, did my exercises, walked around the house etc. Tonight I am trying lunesta before bed and will see hoe long I am able to sleep and how I feel when I wake up without taking a percoset in the middle of the night, hopefully not to stiff or painful.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

back and forth

So today wavered between good and bad. Physically I am feeling much better but at the same time I have been feeling a little neglected. Even though I don't need constant help I have been feeling bad that dane has been so quick to leave for coffee and everything else. I think he cares and wants to help but he is not exactly a doting caretaker.
On another note I cut back on the percoset, I am trying 1 at a time instead of 2 and seem to be doing ok.

Friday, April 8, 2011

road trip

So it was really just a ride to Dave and Sher's but at least I got out of the house for a little bit. It was good because now that I am more awake I have been feeling a little lonely and sorry for myself. Part of it is perhaps emotions running high. Hopefully my attitude will improve.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The fog is lifting...

Well today I am finally feeling more awake and alert! It is a good feeling to not be in too much pain and not be exhausted. I am still taking the percoset but trying to space it out to every 5 hours rather than 4 and maybe my body is getting used to it also. Slept pretty well last night from 11 to 2 and then again until about 5. Then I dozed from 6 to about 7:30 and have been up and awake since then and it's almost 1:30 so that is a huge improvement. I was able to vacuum the front hall and hang some laundry so feel good that I am accomplishing a few little things. I really wish I could maneuver the vacuum with the walker cause the house piles up with dog hair quickly but it is rather difficult so I was happy just to do the entry way where it needs it the most. The sun is out and may even take a little ride in the car after.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I have settled into a routine taking my pills at 6, 10, & 2 and repeating through the night. During the hours between meds I typically nap for an hour or so, take a couple walks to the kitchen to snack, browse the internet, then nap again before restarting the routine. I am doing my prescribed hip exercises twice a day and though I am not dealing with the shooting pains I remember from last time it is achey and tight from the hip to the knee. I think my extreme fatigue is related to my low hemoglobin more so than the meds but the combination probably increases my need for constant naps.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So this morning I over slept past my scheduled time to take my pills then panicked for a minute and apparently quickly too 2 then just as quickly forgot whether I had taken them or not! I took 1 more figuring that I didn't want to ratchet up the pain scale and end up in the misery that I remembered from my last surgery then decided I had to think things through and figure out for sure what I had done. The fact that it took almost 20 minutes and counting my pills twice before I was sure I had taken 2 plus one extra at 6:30 am should be an indication that I am not thinking clearly either because of the surgery recovery or the effects of the percoset! Consequently I set up alarms on my phone fr my pain medication for the rest of today and tomorrow. I want to start weening myself down to longer between doses but as I said I am a little afraid based on my first experience and low pain tolerance. For the most part I feel good and think I am doing what I should although I am extremely fatigued maybe due to the low hemoglobin since surgery. I will research that more tomorrow.

3rd night at home

Nights are a little long since my sleep pattern is so mixed up. Typically I sleep from after my 11 pm pill for a couple hours and then have been up off and in for the rest of the night, due to the combination of doing nothing all day, sleepiness from the percoset, and discomfort from my hip and having.g to lie in one position. Of course as.soon as I start writing or reading I am ready to start doing so will try to finish this later

Monday, April 4, 2011

house bound

So I am feeling good but of course limited in how much I can do. I wish I remembered how much I had done before the swelling and hematoma that landed me in the hospital last time. I have watched a lot of hgtv and taken lots of naps but not much else. I haven't had the concentration needed to really read so haven't dine much with the nook do far. Whenever I start reading it posting on the blog or fb I start falling asleep, in fact I an ready for a nap now!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What a difference

I am so relieved that things are going so much better, I haven't had any regrets about going through with surgery nor have I had a breakdown as far as pain that I remember from my first surgery. Still hoping that won't hit me since I can't remember when it got so bad last time, I just remember being miserable so this mild discomfort is great so far. I took a shower this afternoon and have been propped up in the recliner for an hour or so on the laptop so I am heading back to bed to do another set of exercises before I turn in for the night. My leg feels tight at the knee and don't have much mobility doing the knee extension exercises but otherwise feel good. I wish I had a comfortable spot to use the laptop, too bad I didn't get the ipad2!

first day home

Left the hospital at about 1:15 and was home by 3, the ride wasn't bad at all, sat in the front seat with the seat pushed all the way back and had no trouble getting in or out. Once I got home I set up camp in the bedroom and took my first dose of the generic percoset and did notice that it wasn't as effective as what I took at the hospital because my leg started feeling noticeably sore by 7 eventhough a dose wasn't due till 830. I gave myself til 815 then took two as I have been doing. I wrote down a schedule for every 3 hours 45 minutes so am cheating just a little early each time but writing down helps to not have to figure out if I am ahead or behind. Staying on schedule has really helped pain not to get too overwhelming.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

surgery and postop

Despite a sleepness night the night before for both dane and I all went well yesterday. I woke up in recovery in some pain but not excessive and they quickly gave me extra pain mdeds to help and the amend had taken care of the nausea so tbat was a big improvement over last time.

day 3

I don't want to jinx myself but so far I think I am doing better with recovery than I did last time around. The real test will be if I can keep up the pain management once I get home but so far I have been able to take 2 percoset at a time and if has been effective taken every 3 1/2 to 4 hours. I vaguely remember the generics I took att home last time not working as well but I am hopeful that won't be the case.